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              7 Unbreakable Rules To Living A Happy Life

              7 Unbreakable Rules To Living A Happy Life
              Venus Cow Admin

              7 Unbreakable Rules To Living A Happy Life

              We follow our bad habits and patterns like clockwork

              When we are at peace with the choices we make, we cannot help but feel happiness. We then have a clear path towards the goals ahead and nothing gets in the way or can prevent us from being the best we can be, the key to a happy life.

              1. Live in the present.

              You must learn to live in the present, appreciate the future and learn from the past. Whatever has made you who you are today is not set in stone as your future template to your happiness. By changing what you do day to day, changes the end result. None of us are safe from our past until we face it head on and deal with it, before locking it away safely in a compartment in the vaults of our mind.

              2. Let go of the past.

              Carrying around old baggage is like having a slow cancer growing inside, always giving us pain and discomfort, unless medicated by drugs, alcohol or other addictive habits. Resentment and bitter sad tales of woe about past hurt, is what keeps us stuck in misery, unable to climb the mountain to great happiness, so get over yourself as soon as you can and forgive everyone who has hurt you. This will allow you great freedom and peace, two things vital for our happiness. 

              3. Listen to your heart, not your head.

              When we listen to the thoughts in our head, unless they are balanced, centred and truthful, we are likely to be able to con ourselves of something completely different because most of the time, we are going through the motions of what we have been taught by others. When we listen to our hearts on the other hand, we have natural instincts that let us know if our choices and actions make us feel good or bad.

              4. Choose your freedom over fear.

              Fear is an emotion we have to eliminate from our lives in order to find true happiness because it will always hold us back from moving forward towards our desired goals. Freedom allows to us to be brave, explore and make mistakes and with mistakes comes insight and experience.

              5. Be responsible for your choices.

              Blaming problems, mistakes, choices and misery on others is fatal if we are seeking true happiness because even though we try and lay the blame somewhere else, we can never escape our own truth. It will always niggle away inside, making us feel uncomfortable, guilty and constantly depressed because we know deep down it is our own fault we are still stuck in a rut with the same problems and barriers.

              6. Tell yourself the truth, always.

              Being truly authentic is one of the hardest things to master. We all lie to ourselves in order to make ourselves feel better, look better which ironically allows us to keep repeating the same mistakes with the same outcomes, keeping us trapped and simply unable to break free. If you eat like a pig, are greedy and fat, yet lie about your eating habits, blaming your weight problem on having a fat gene or random illness, then chances are you will never get thin and be healthy. It is so much easier to blame others for why we are the way we are and in some cases, our environment or relationship dynamic keeps us stuck, until we are able to see and learn something different.

              We follow our habits and patterns, good or bad, like clockwork without us having to think or participate. If you have conditioned yourself to brush and floss your teeth after every meal you'll have a beautiful smile. If you go to bed after eating late without a clean mouth eventually your teeth will fall out. Common sense. So stopping and thinking before we act is the only way to break the habit and create a new one. It is the easy way out to say we will try harder when we fail, saying and doing should be always connected but in reality for many are completely different entities. We rarely do what we say because trying is not good enough, we have to just get on and do it.

              The only way to keep trying, is to master thinking before feeling creates action because if we think before we do something bad, like eat a whole packet of biscuits, we don’t do it.

              7. Think positive, refuse negative.

              There is no happy life guarantee. You can choose to be in a good mood. Positive thinking, will always keep us motivated enthused and on fire, so everything that comes our way becomes a huge possibility. It is vital to admit something isn’t working in order to make changes, so be humble and keep smiling, even when the road gets tougher. A problem is only as big as our reaction to it. A negative mind is the perfect home for failure to nest, thrive and flourish because it will always trick us into believing we are useless, unable to master your own destiny or happiness. You are what you think, and what you think you attract so always think positive.


              Photo alfcermed/Pixabay


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