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In The Hot Seat - Noreen Ferguson Hughes

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              In The Hot Seat - Noreen Ferguson Hughes

              In The Hot Seat - Noreen Ferguson Hughes
              Venus Cow Admin

              In The Hot Seat - Noreen Ferguson Hughes

              Senior Business Executive

              Our first interaction back in 2013 with VC Angel, Noreen, "Queen Noreen", or "Queennor" as she is known online, her tag line, "Normal service never existed" says a lot; was on Twitter when in our effort to reach out to like minded women, followed her and then unfollowed by mistake, whoops (as you all know not something we like either) and she told us in no uncertain terms she wasn't impressed, she doesn't mince her words. Of course we immediately rectified the error.

              Then to our surprise she became one of our very first customers and subsequently one of our most vocal supporters both online and off and so when we decided to share our brand ambassador stories The One and Only Queen Noreen had to be included.

              If you have seen her feed you will know she is authentic and consistent and so we are delighted to have her in our hot seat.

              Q. What is your age?

              A. 51

              Q. Where are you from in the world?

              A. Born in England, raised in Wales, with 100% Irish heritage!

              Q. What is your Greatest Achievement/Proudest Moment?

              A. Reaching the age of 50 alive and healthy with a wonderful loving family, great friends, and still doing a job that I love.

              Q. What was the greatest obstacle you had to overcome to get there?

              A. Cancer! twice , within 3 years and kicking its butt!

              Q. What do you do for fun/ to relax?

              A. I love rugby and going to watch my beloved Saracens play at home and away when I can.....I also love walking, cooking and reading.

              Q. What is the most exciting place you have visited that you long to return to someday?

              A. I have been lucky enough to visit the Maldives 3 times yet I long to return - the joyous sight of the atolls shimmering in the turquoise ocean as we flew to the island barefoot on a small seaplane is a sight I'll never forget. Stunning

              Q. Who in your life inspires you the most?

              A. My dad, Jim! He is a survivor, the most generous, kind soul I have ever known and he makes me laugh every day!

              Q. What is it about them that drives you to work hard and be better?

              A. His encouragement , his positive outlook and his belief in me lifts me higher and helps me believe I can do anything.

              Q. How do you keep yourself motivated to keep going when things get tough?

              A. Humour - the ability to see the funny side of all situations and to laugh at myself daily! I ask myself , what's the worst thing that could happen? I then convince myself ,by visualising the worst thing happening , that I can deal with it - Then the doubt subsides and I plough on!

              Q. What's the one thing you want to achieve/do before you die?

              A. Write a novel based on growing up in South Wales in the 1970's/80's

              Q. What did you do today?

              A. Talked and Listened and Learned. Had a 2 hour budget meeting followed by another 4 hour meeting with 10 people which was all about sharing ideas and solutions to current business challenges.

              Q. If you could do any profession/job what do you think you'd be great at and enjoy doing the most?

              A. Actor! I would love to have played Lady Macbeth or Elizabeth I - dressing up and taking on other persona to entertain an audience has always secretly appealed to me.

              Q. What was the last book you read?

              A. "The Silk Roads" by Peter Frankopan, a breathtaking epic journey through history.

              Q. Who are you listening to at the moment?

              A. Fleetwood Mac, Rumours album

              Q. If you could change one thing about the world we live in, what would it be?

              A. The over reliance on oil, I would love to see all efforts to replace it with clean, alternative energy/fuel and sustainable, kind to the planet materials.

              Q. What item (other than your PBL could you not live without?

              A. My once fluffy duck Bonzo who has been with me since I was 5 years old. He's bald, he's losing his stuffing, he has had new eyes and beak but he is still my most treasured possession.

              Q. Please give us one word to sum up your Venus Cow PBL experience?

              A. #CANTLIVEWITHOUT

              Want to find out more about Noreen, make sure to check out her feeds on Instagram and Twitter. Image credits, Noreen Ferguson Hughes.

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