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              How Can A Life Coach Help Me?

              How Can A Life Coach Help Me?
              Venus Cow Admin
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              How Can A Life Coach Help Me?

              Or Talk Therapist

              As the activist, phinthropist and best selling author Frederick Joseph says, "Therapy should be considered a human right, and the world would be far better if everyone had access to it"

              It is the reason I became a free life coach.

              The word mindfulness has gathered some traction globally as many continue to suffer in silence from dibilitating anxiety without the mental capacity or learned skills to manage what's going on in their mind. A life coach is an objective observer tasked with separating the truth from your perceived reality until you master the mindfullness skills to do this for yourself.

              The true beauty of life is a very difficult thing to navigate when the person in charge of its destination is inexperienced and not sure which direction to follow, in order to discover peace, happiness and personal success. When we reach a crossroads in life and by this I mean, we have choices to make, unless we have life skills, confidence and purpose, we are likely to make the wrong ones and end up miserable, defeated and stuck in a rut with little hope of change, until we win the lottery.

              The chances of winning the lottery are about the same as getting a marriage proposal from George Clooney, possible but unlikely, so wasting your valuable time, life is short remember, is a huge mistake when seeking true happiness over the life you have become stuck and entrenched in. We are all guilty of expecting miracles without doing the work to deserve them and we are all guilty of blaming others when things don’t go our way because if we have to face ourselves, we probably wouldn’t like what we see.

              A life coach is someone who from a non-emotional place with an objective common sense assessment of your situation, can help you unravel your chaos by providing practical positive ways to change the way you think, in order to get the things you need to be able to change your life into a life you love.

              It is impossible to be confident or feel confidence if you don’t naturally understand what confidence actually is because we only know what we know, so unless someone with insight and knowledge guides you through the steps needed to discover your inner powers and unique talents, you remain stuck and often desperate. Being desperate is why we end up blocking out our truth by turning to alcohol, drugs or food, to create fake confidence, the instant fix of escapism and comfort, none of which will help us get towards the life we deserve.

              If you really want to work on yourself, working with a  life coach  will help you get motivated and keep you focused on setting achievable goals, set by you and executed whilst keeping a personal journal  to track progress and monitor mistakes. Keeping a daily journal is about taking some private time alone, just for you, to begin the process of facing your demons, dreams and disastrous dilemmas, holding you back from moving forward. Even just 15 minutes a day reflection adds up after 6 or 12 months.

              Anything is possible once you understand the obstacle keeping you stuck because your life is a gift and what you do with it, your gift back,. By understanding why you keep doing the same things, making the same mistakes, you begin to value every bit of it.

              The brutal truth is something none of us want to hear especially those of us who have given up, assuming life sucks is much easier, but makes just getting through it a monumental task on its own. Facing the truth is the start to any therapy because without it we are destined to fail in everything we do.

              If you are fat and hate yourself and your body, you don’t need anyone to tell you this because you already know and immediately feel judged, miserable and desperate to eat everything in your fridge. Facing you are fat and unable to do anything about it because you have no will power, even when your GP has warned you, if you don’t change, your health could be a risk, is the brutal truth you have to face. This is not judging, not blaming but denial on your part, as well as completely disrespectful to your GP who as the expert, (not you, as you seem to think when you totally ignore his valuable important advice) is trying to help keep you alive.

              Ask yourself this question, why would anyone with a brain choose to slowly kill themselves knowingly just because they could not change their lifestyle? It is madness but understandable once we are able to face the truth, then dig deep into the subconscious to discover the cause.

              If you hate your job so much it has made you sick and constantly visiting the doctor in order to get signed off, you have to recognise this is not the best way to feel happy and inspired because when we work at what we love, we never work again and never need a sick note! No matter how bad your job is or how much you hate it, the truth is until you know what you really want to do, it is just a means to an end, not a life sentence. Life coaching will help you in this case, learn time management skills which will allow you find time to work out what you love, what you really want to do and practical positive ways to map out a plan to get you the dream job, your own business or the life you dreamed about before, chaos and bad choices took you down to the depths of despair.

              Don’t delay and get on your way and never waste another day because life is short, time is precious and no one can change anything about your life, except you. The life coach is your lifeboat, so get on board and begin your journey to success and happiness. Find more coaching posts

              Photo by: Ali Pazani Unsplash

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