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              Hollywood Diet Tip

              Hollywood Diet Tip
              Venus Cow Admin
              / Categories: Food and Drink

              Hollywood Diet Tip

              The top Hollywood diet tip is to detox

              In order to shed excess weight your body needs to be unclogged and working to maximum capacity.

              The top Hollywood diet tip is to detox. The brutal truth whilst simple will always destroy any and all our excuses so rarely well received. Recognise it is your own excuses and justifications holding you back and keeping you stuck. And by telling yourself the truth you are on your way to a fab new lifestyle and a fab new body to go with it. It will take a month to work by which time you will be suffifcently inspired by the results to change your old patterns into new, much healthier ones permanently.

              Venus Cow says, "Insight comes from experience so I can say with integrity this detox plan works."

              The hardest part is how to stick to a detox. If you live alone that's good, you don't have people leading you astray. Clear out any temptation, if it's not there you cannot eat it in a weak moment. If you can rope in your partner, do it together and keep each other motivated. It also doesn't do children any harm to learn to go without the things they love from time to time. Going without nurtures gratitude, a key ingredient for happiness. They will remember the challenge long into adulthood and will not be phased to try something tough later in life.

              For one month you are going to live like a monk by giving up the following habits. Alcohol, caffeine (no decaf), white carbs, smoking, chocolate, processed food, biscuits, puddings, desserts and sex. And you are going to stick to it. It's 30 days. Anyone can do 30 days and if you can't, particularly for behaviour patterns like drinking alcohol and smoking, you have to acknowledge you are out of control and do some work to do on your addictive patterns first.

              Your detox plan begins now. Think about why you are doing it. To give your body a much needed vacation. Everything we put in our mouths our body has to work hard to break down and process. This is your first step to really caring about yourself and your health and making you your priority over everything else. The less you put in, the more time your body has to repair and rejuvenate instead. The reason people who fast sensibly as part of their lifestyle live longer.

              Venus Cow says, "Don't question, don't cheat, just accept it and do it."

              When you wake up in the morning drink 2 cups of peppermint tea and have a bowl of cereal or a boiled egg with 1 slice wholemeal toast. Mid morning you can have two pieces of fruit. For lunch, tuna salad or a jacket potato or other root vegetable with filling, no cheese or butter and two more cups of peppermint tea or iced water with lemon. Mid afternoon have a piece of fruit or five brazil nuts and for dinner, (before 7pm) fish or meat and vegetables, no potatoes, pasta or rice and two more cups of peppermint tea.

              For one month walk for 30 minutes every day. Go at the same time come rain or shine. Keep your expectations low. This is a test of willpower. Don't expect to lose a load of weight, that's not the objective. Excess weight takes a long time to go on so it takes an equally long time to come off. What you will notice, after the first week of withdrawal when you will feel rough, is your body saying thank you loudly and clearly. You will feel more energetic, younger, more vital, really empowered (anything that is tough to achieve gives us a natural feel good boost) and ultimately happier.

              Venus Cow says, "It won't be easy but it will kick start the rest of your new happy life."

              Photo by skeeze/Pixabay


              Photo by skeeze/Pixabay


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