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              Celibate And Happy

              Celibate And Happy
              Venus Cow Admin

              Celibate And Happy

              Is it possible to be happy and celibate? As a celibacy expert the truth is if you are in a monogamous relationship, sex is healthy but if you are shagging around and giving your body to random strangers, then feeling like shit, its obviously not healthy. 

              Celibacy VS Abstinence - Shirley Speaks

              I am celibate not religious. So it is possible to be celibate without religion. Lots of people also ask me the difference between celibacy and abstinence. Many people have preconceptions about celibacy being wrapped in religion. I am not religious and do not subscribe to any faith based indoctrine or dogma. Everything I teach in my free lifecoaching is based on personal experience and my own discovery. I am the proof of the pudding so to speak.

              I've heard a lot people use “celibacy” and “abstinence” interchangeably, for me the difference between the two terms is Abstinence like abstaining from anything is decision not to have sex for a specific reason like an up coming wedding or to overcome trauma or a bad break up.  Celibacy is a vow or promise to remain abstinent form sex over an extended period of time. I've had a lot of experience when it come to sex and the opposite sex and I have worked on myself to the point I actually honestly don't need another human being to feel complete. I know now after my extraordinary experiences, losing my self made millions, failed suicide attempt and then escaping death for real, I couldn't be any happier than I am alone.

              Our body is our temple, something to be taken great care of, you only get one so treasure it. Sex is an addiction, just like chocolate. The perfect comfort blanket to make us feel good in the moment but beware, the consequences of sleeping around, unprotected sex can not only leave you with a dose of something nasty it will also affect you mentally and leave you feeling empty and very low. And whilst most STD's are easily treatable with no lasting side affects, Chlamydia is known as a silent epidemic, destroying the chances of young women getting pregnant and older women getting a life partner and you don't even know you've got it.

              There are many benefits of celibacy for women. Celibacy is not about becoming a nun or unattractive to the opposite sex, its about being grown up, sensible and in charge of your life, the alternative to hanging on to a romantic fairy tale in your mind and waiting for Mr Right to sort it all out. So the next time you find yourself on the walk of shame, check yourself and give some thought to how you are feeling in that exact moment. If you like the feeling then no problem but if you don't, remember it the next time you find yourself in the arms of a stranger or not. The definition of insanity is to repeat the same behaviour and expect a different result.

              My advice, only ever make your own bed, one you really truly want to lie in. Upgrade your bed linen, on a budget, get your sheets on a hot wash, give them an iron then make up a fresh bed for you to start really enjoying alone for a while and then see how you feel.

              Photo by: Ava Sol Unsplash

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