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              10 Ways To A Healthier Lifestyle For Free

              10 Ways To A Healthier Lifestyle For Free
              Venus Cow Admin

              10 Ways To A Healthier Lifestyle For Free

              The heathy option not always more expensive

              One of the challenges of my free life coaching purpose is I get really frustrated when I work with people who have convinced themselves of all the reasons why not instead of trying thinking positively and looking at what can be done.

              When we are not happy and feel miserable about the choices, the choices we have made throughout life that bind us with people and material things we no longer value or like anymore, we lose all hope and this makes us justify our choices and find all the reasons why.  We all start out looking for the secret to getting what we want, blindly following the pack until we find ourselves in situations of our own making that don't make us happy. It is very hard to change our situation, leave a bad marriage or partnership that is causing us to take comfort, when our whole existence and survival depends on it, so we just stay put in misery believing we are trapped there until we die.

              Life is not a rehearsal and being happy is the key to a long healthy life, something we should all strive for when every day could be your last. In my work as a free life coach I can show anyone how by looking inward and not outward for acceptance and love, is the secret to getting what you need. By understanding what you think you want, is just what you have been subliminally told by big brands, the media and big business it opens up the possibly of change and how bright and beautiful the future is that's waiting for you around the next bend.

              When anyone starts free life coaching, these are the 10 steps to happiness we take first. You will notice none of these steps cost any money.

              1. Your food is your fuel. What you put in will determine how well and how long you will last, we are what we eat. When we over do it we know its bad for us because we feel terrible afterwards, you are never going to realise your tip top potential when it comes to health. Fresh fruit and veg can be purchased extremely cheaply where ever you are in the world from market traders and street vendors, who are often happy to give stuff away at the end of the day.

              2. Processed food is off the menu. Anything full of sugar, fizzy, fast, fried or full of saturated fat.  Replace starchy white food with all the colors of the rainbow. If you don't like fruit and vegetables because you've never really tried them, tell yourself in your meditation "What is from the earth is the greatest of worth." be open and curious and push yourself to try something new and truly wonderful.

              3. Alcohol has to go too. As much as you believe your life will be shit and not worth living without it, trust me it won't. Drinking is expensive not really about having fun, more about fake confidence and blocking out your truth. Try taking on the role of designated driver as an exercise to look at your group from a new perspective, a sober one and see what your thoughts are on a group of loud obnoxious people repeating themselves and not making sense.

              4. A good nights sleep is the best gift you can give your body and mind. Sleeping peacefully allows your internal organs mechanisms to repair. 

              5. A daily walk of between 20 and 40 minutes is all you have to do. Brisk walking with no stops is not only a great meditation (running works too if you are so inclined) wakes up the metabolism and helps burn calories. It is a fact walking in the fresh air, taking in all the sounds of nature will refresh your senses and relax your mood and mind but light exercise is not justification for over indulging as a reward.

              6. Meditate and take up yoga, learning how to slow down your mind and strengthen your core in order to become more supple, centered and strong.

              7. Learning to laugh at yourself and then watching the rest of the world laugh with you is a humbling exercise, part of letting go that makes you feel amazing. Happiness comes from giving to others so take up some of the time you complain you never have to volunteer your services to those who can truly benefit.

              8. Drinking eight glasses of still water every day, cleansing your body, watering yourself like a plant enables you to feel much more in control of your mind because when you feel good inside it radiates outwards to the rest of the world.

              9. Being thankful for everything you have is where manifesting happiness begins. Being generous with what you have, sharing not just your material stuff but your time and knowledge too connects you to everything around you. It's how you manifest real universal power. (That energy you see in others but you can't buy it in a store.) Accepting we don't always get what we want is part of maturity making us contented we have everything we need.

              10. Discovering your true purpose, taking a leap of faith and giving up the boring unfulfilling job you spend your whole life bitching about but do nothing to change is the bravest, most challenging yet most rewarding and obvious (in hindsight) thing you'll ever do. When you work at what you love, you never work again so go on......just jump.

              Photo by: engin akyurt Unsplash


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